Oh, god. Awkward story time. Yay!
One time I started my period in the middle of gym class (Fuckin' two days earlier than scheduled.) and we were jogging. The shorts they made us wear at that school were like hooker short, and yeah. Everyone was like "OH MY GOD SHE'S BLEEDING EVERYWHERE WHAT A FREAK!" Like, it's not a natural thing that all girls go through. Eye roll
I had to awkwardly waddle to the locker room. which was like three hundred miles away. hahaha, I feel your pain. Atleast no one knew about it, and stuffed your locker full of tampons. ._.
Author's response
Hooker shorts? Shit.
Have my feels. I have to wear boy, baggy shorts.
I think some people saw in chorus. The seats are tan colored and the class has 50 kids in it.
Ughhhh have the rest of my feels. I don't think anyone is gonna stuff my locker with tampons.