Review for Honeysuckle Care Home

Honeysuckle Care Home

(#) Cookie_monster 2012-11-24

Yeah, it was Chris and I don't like him 'cos he's a butthead -.-

It wouldn't have been Ian because he's autistic and can't talk :'( He can shove though. Really hard.

And yeah I don't mind fish and chip type fish either but my Ma's always like 'HERE HOLLIE EAT THIS TUNA OR SALMON OR THIS FISH THAT LOOKS LIKE PUKE' and yeah, I just avoid fish D:

Love Hozzie

Author's response

But you like his son though. I do too. I saw that santa picture of him and I swear I could just kidnap him!!! Haha. He's so adorable!!! I'm autistic too, but I can talk. I was late at learning a lot of things though, such as riding a bike. It took me a billion years to figure that out, and now that I can, I don't ride a bike, so that was a bit of a pointless skill to know. Haha. I hate when parent's force food down your throat. It's like, mum, no... Sit down. Calm your tits that I was once fed from... By the way, don't say that. I don't even know why I said that. I need to shut up now. Haha. XD xx