Name: Callie Jones
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Part: Mikey's gf please!!!! =D
Hair: Straight bright blue, with a side fringe
Eyes: Kinda round and big
Glasses: Rectangular framed glasses (Think Mikey Way glasses)
Complexion: Really pale cause she doesn't go out during the day. (I'm making her sound like a vampire when shes not supposed to! =S
Body type: Small and skinny
Death scythe: A small curved blade that she keeps inside her boot
Clothing: Wears black straplesw dresses, black leather jackets and knee high black boots.
How they died: Hung herself in her appartment
Personality: Quiet, doesn't like to talk much
Likes: The darkness, walking by herself, loves stars
Dislikes: Being bossed about, being alone for too long
Flaws: If she gets angry she gets REALLY angry
Anything else: Nope I hope this was good enough =)