Review for I know, I know, more auditions :L

I know, I know, more auditions :L

(#) ElectricBlackOut 2012-11-28

Name: Dana Monroe Smith.
Nickname: Zero. But people that are close to her call her DollFace.
Part: Ummm, Mikey's girlfriend, or girl who fancies Gerard. But anyone would be nice :)
Looks: Jet black, wavy hair. It's very long, it goes down to her hips almost. Emerald green eyes. Tall, about 5'9. Pale complexion. Has a birthmark just like Marilyn Monroe.
Likes: Music (all kinds), Comic books (preferably Marvel Comics), her favorite subject is physics, the color green, tea, reading, playing video games, etc.
Dislikes: Judgeful people, clowns, cows, the dark.
Anything else: She's bi, and is near sighted so she usually wears glasses.