Review for The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

(#) pixied_secrets 2006-11-10

(2)i only found basketcase.

(3)Bandgeekfreak’s American & Austrian Rhetorical Fanclub (BAARF) (i assume you didn't mean for anyone to actually do this)

(4)acronym - ak-ruh-nim

1.) a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words, as MADD (mothers against drunk driving), BAARF (Bandgeekfreak’s American & Austrian Rhetorical Fanclub), or BFAAOHRUUCLPN (what the fuck?)

2.) an acrostic

on a lighter note:

-He laughed lightly, "You watch porn?"

I shook my head, "No. It was actually a documentation on climbing... This looks just as dangerous."-

-"...I don´t wanna make you feel uncomfortable." Got a time machine?- i laughed so hard that i cried. my face is still moist.

Author's response

I´ll post all the song titles once my secret (yeah, right) crush has read (reviewed) the new chapter. That´s an awesome acronym. It takes the best out of me, so to speak. (I assumed YOU´d do it anyways. ;) ) You´re lovely for looking that up. I tend to read dictionaries for fun. I also tend not to have any friends. (Is there a connection?) Glad you laughed at the smaller-scale giggle-catchers too. Your reviews will be the reason why my writer ego turns into Pete Wentz (with a bigger pants size). :)