Review for hybrid theory

hybrid theory

(#) darks00 2006-11-11

Sorry me again talking to your responce to my review. Don't be scared to read reviews. You're story's great, nothing to be worried about reading them. ARe you scared of my reviews? LOL jj ;)

Yeah, I put, "Our Julius is growing up" because on that one episode, "Project Greenthumb" Delilahs critizing Julius for not being mature. I thought I'd just mention that again, LOL.

Blushes aww thanks. I hope I can help. It's a great story, please do update soon!

And don't be embarressed to make typing mistakes...have you read my stories and their mistakes?!? ;) LOL

If you ever want to chat, you can e-mail me at

That's only if you want to. Have a great night.

xxDarkness' Kidxx