Review for Nameplates Anyone..?

Nameplates Anyone..?

(#) tmbfucks 2012-12-24

Pick-up Name: tmbfucks
Text: Penina Dayne
Text Font: (please gimme the link)
Text Color: (html color notation preferred) Whatever you think's best, because I'm not too good with it. :D
Sub-Text: (optional) frankismysexgod
Sub-Text Font: (please gimme the link)
Sub-Text Color: (html color notation preferred) Again, pick out whatever you think is best please. :)
Background: (This is white by default. ((I create them on transparent layers, but save as white)) If you'd like a certain color, I, again, prefer an html color notation. I can jazz it up. Add some texture here. A gradient here.) #1E90FF but not as plain if that makes sense?
Anything else?: (ex: skulls, stars, etc. This gives me more creative room and I can fill any possible gaps. If there's already too much going on- I'll scrap this.) Pizza's, milkshakes, and headphones if possible. If you can do only one, the headphones please.

I'm really looking forward to this. I can't wait for it! If there's anything you need to know just ask me! :D xx