Review for A Heart can Only Break so Much

A Heart can Only Break so Much

(#) Poppana 2012-12-28

Oh, you can't blame the wolves for wanting some food. Skyrim has harsh winters and crude living conditions; the poor little wolves must do what they can to survive :(
I hate those crabs, though. I never see them and it's just annoying.
If you find it too difficult, you can lower the difficulty settings. I started out on Apprentice on my first gameplay, now I play on Expert. I still suck, but I need some challenge.
There are different factions you can join, the Dark Brotherhood, which you must get invited into, then there's the Companions in Whiterun, Thieves' Guild in Riften, Mages' College but I can't remember the name of the place it is in, it's up in the very north though. Then there's the Nightingales and the Blades, and then also you need to choose between the Stormcloaks and the Imperial Legion. I always side with the Imperials, even though I think the Stormcloaks have some good points but they're really going about the revolution wrong. I don't think Ulfric would make a strong leader for Skyrim. Anywho, politics, you know?
Ah, have fun playing! :D Don't give up on it just because it may be a bit difficult at times. It's really worth it.

Author's response

I don't know how to make it wait so it becomes daytime either. Haha. I really should change the difficulty settings. I won't quit it. It's really fun. It's just difficult. Haha. :D xx