Review for First Auditions on This Account

First Auditions on This Account

(#) fatherfuckingmeese 2013-01-01

For a plot. . .
1. A couple kids from, say NYC or London get flown to Battery City and they think they're on a reality show. Like Survivor. But it turns out to be more dangerous than they expected and they have to help the killjoys rescue someone. :D You like?

2. A group of misfit kids are stuck in Battery City and they dream of being outlaws taking over BL/I. Literally. In their dreams (they all share the same one and sometimes it's only a few people) they meet Party Poison and the gang. They think its all a dream but when one of the now-killjoys die it becomes a reality.

3. In every family living in Battery City, one hold is selected to be sent to BL/I's S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W academy. During it, the chosen kids (us) find out what BL/I is really about and they try to escape. When they do, they later find out that they are all rigged with microchips to track where they are. It also turns out that they have chemicals in them that makes them never grow up unless they reproduce. How will they deal?

Author's response

Haha. I love them all so much! But as I said to AJ, I don't know if I can write them. I'm really annoying like that. I just can't seem to write everything well. :'( But, I love them. And WOOO!!!!! LONDON!!! :D xx