Review for Audition Your Stories

Audition Your Stories

(#) nerds_assemble 2013-01-18

HOW THE HELL IS THERE NO STAPLES THERE?!?! It's nice there. The best place to be stuck in for hours with your mom. Errands. Sighsighsigh. The price of being a kid...

Fuckin' Wisconsin...

HIIIIIIIIIII EMILYYYYY, wherever you are. There's a song by Bright Eyes called 'Emily, Sing Something Sweet For Me', but it's not my favorite of his. He's singing it when he's like thirteen or something...I like 'Laura Laurent' and 'From A Balance Beam'...there's one line in 'Laura Laurent' that goes 'Well, you should never be embarressed with your trouble with living. 'Cause it's the ones with the sorest throats, Laura, who've done the most singing.'

WHOA I GOT SO OFF-TRACK. I've been listening to Blood Brothers at night, My Brightest Diamond in the morning (if I awake, which rarely happens), Bright Eyes in the afternoon which leaves me in a very off state of emotions.

But only like, for the past couple days.

Soooooooo. Back on track, "HELLO EMILY" Oh, goddammit, my brain is being a stupid fuck.

I have no idea what we're going to do about this Barbara Striestand thing. I swear that I heard Johnny say 'Barbara Streistand kills the cocaine tutu' in Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers, but then I was like "You're being so illogical right now." and I nodded silently to myself. Oyvey. I've been writing too much and not talking enough...

BUT, anyhow, he actually says 'If the forest turns to static and the gnarled branches, too? I know, I know, I know. And your body starts to fall into a concrete tutu. I know, I know, I know.'

Yes. YES. I love me some South Park...what the fuck is wrong with me tonight?! SAVE ME DONNIEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Save me from snarly sanity, I don't wanna be just like them.


I believe you. Kind of. I can see it happening. I just watched Imagination Land today. I like it. It's funny. I like Pandemic so much more though.

Tweek is amazing amounts of badass. I must admit, I've written a couple of unpublished views from Tweek's brain. It's not right for young lungs to be coughing up blood. :P That last line was sung to me by myself.

Seriously dude, fix me.


The other kid was just whaaaaaaaa?!?! I need to know who this is so I can post like, MCR stuff everywhere and be FACEEEEEEE and shite. It will be cool. :P

I WAS KILLING BEFORE KILLING WAS COOL... fudge, duh. it'll be forever going like wayyyyyyyy and your crush who's so dear to your heart, one Miss Barbara Streistand.

I feels so invaded. XD

That 'twasn't a laughing matter. It should've been, though.




...butt munch!!!!!


Author's response

Yeah, Wisconsin sucks major BALLS.

I told Emily you said all of that, and she started laughing really, really hard.

I am starting to think that Barbra Striesand isn't real anymore. I think she was created in all of those horror movies, so people just think she's real.


Tweek is just so full is AWESOMENESS.

SOMETIMES YOU SCRAPE AND SINK SO LOW, I'M SHOCK AT WHAT YOU'RE --- I can't stop listening to that song.

I wanna shoot [the kid's name is Haley] Barbraa and anyone who hates MCR into my black hole.

It was, it was.

...fudge packer!!!! (South Park referance???)