Review for How does this site work..?

How does this site work..?

(#) CarcinoGeneticist 2013-02-24

From the looks of things, you already know how to post stuff. But this is pretty much how it goes.

How to Succeed in Ficwad Without Actually Trying:

1) Under no circumstance do you hate publicly on MCR. Do not call anyone gay. Do not side with trolls.

2) Stay decidedly neutral on author flamewars.

3) Spelling, syntax, and grammar aren't actually that important on here, although it is irritating when it's not done right.

4) If you want to become popular quickly, write MCR fanfiction, preferably Frerard.

5) Just like in real life, sex sells.

6) Do not put things that are not MCR in the MCR category. People think it's spamming, even though there's nearly what, 400 pages of fanfics and I don't think a few notes will hurt.

7) Don't hate on popular authors. If you hate them, and I'm talking down-to-your-marrow, and somebody asks you how you feel about them, YOU LIE. Say that they're your inspiration, and they've got a very nice personality and writing style.
It's not nice and it's not honest, but it keeps you from getting hate.

Author's response

I look up to MCR, so no prob there. I don't use gay as an insult ('cause I'm bisexual myself and have some awesome gay friends) and trolls are annoying, so yeah..

If that means that I'm not supposed to get involved in stuff, I usually don't anyway.

I'm Norwegian, so I do have a few errors, but not something worth killing for.

I'm more into reading it, but.. meh, maybe. :3

No comment on that one..
I just posted it there because I know it's the most used category (yeah, yeah, bad karma or something)

I shall keep that in mind. ^^