I'm sure I'm not one of those peeps you'd want to review on your thingymajig but I'm bored.
Pajamas are the only clothes I feel comfortable in as well. So, you are not alone, little pumpkin.
And please don't sleep on the bus. That's when old men start touching you and that's just uncomfortable for everybody. Stress is probably why you're tired, and simply sleeping won't fix that. I speak from experience.
Author's response
I'm more than happy to have you review my things. You've very awesome, and I love that we talk! :D
Yay! I'm not alone, even though I now wish I was so that others wouldn't go through that.
Old men? OMGWAT. The bus I take is usually crowded with either kids like me or adults. Old men never make move on others. They just scream at others about how we're all twats crowding up their bus. XD
I've realized that. I can sleep for 12 hours, and I'd still be tired.
Thanks for reviewing! Never think I don't want to talk with you. You're simply delightful. c: