This was rather touching, and this is something coming from me, since I do have severe allergies to romantics. But I did like the inclusion of the lyrics at the end, have always liked that song if it's the same one I'm thinking of. You do have a promising start at writing here, and I do look forward to seeing more coming from you. Also, not to be nitpicking, but you did spell my name wrong in the Summary.
Author's response
I knew I did, sorry! It's just I forgot how it went, but I got the first tiny bit right!
I've been writing on this site for 3 months, but my writing style is being changed so it is easier to read and stuff.
Yes, I love the song Iris. I've never heard the original, only the cover of it by Sleeping With Sirens, the lyrics are just so beautiful.
Glad you liked this! xx Sadie