(#) ColorfulShadow 2013-03-31

Name: Jasmine (Jazzy) Price

Nicknames: Boo, Vulpix, Lil' Red.

Hair: long, mid back length. Layered and straight. Side bangs. Brown with blonde highlights (so close to being a full blonde)
Eyes: brown eyes that turn golden brown in light. They give me the innocent look.
Skin: pale...
Height: 5'4
Scars: one on my back and a lot on my wrists that I cover up.

Usual clothing: basically anything with skinny jeans. I wear lots of random shirts (mostly band shirts, graphic tees or a girly top) And sometimes I wear skirts. I wear converse a lot too. And I always have a beanie.

Personality: random, shy when you first meet me. Artistic and always making music. Funny, and a little crazy (not too crazy though). And bleh.

Pairing: hehehehe... Frasmine :D

True facts:
I play piano and I'm sometimes always locked in my room playing.
Noisy people sometimes get on my nerves.
I get scared easily.
I love roses :3

And plot: ummm... okay... so I'm the shy girl at school (high school) and I'm always locked in the music room playing the piano. And then Frank comes in. He's my friend and he sneaks up on me playing so... take it from there.

Thanks! I'll have your one shot soon.

Author's response

I did this one for you, remember?
A while ago.

I'mma need a new plot.

Gimme a new one.