Why are you blaming all of the Nikki Minaj fans and Beliebers and Directioners? I have friends that are all of those and they're great. They don't deserve to get blamed. It's not all of them. Some heavy metal fans or punk rock fans don't like SWS because they think it's not good music. I understand how upset you are, but don't blame them. It's cruel. And don't pick on them either, because they have their part of the fanbase who embarrasses them. The fanbase who's rude to others and who they don't agree with. You may not like the artist, and neither do I, and I agree it's fucked up what they did, if it was them, but we have ours too.
So don't pick on them.
I get that it's fucked up, but you're just giving it more publicity, and you're letting it get to you, which is exactly what they want.
Starting #RIPNikkiMinaj would be so immature, or doing anything like that, because you're stooping to their level. If you do that, you've become the person you hate, so don't even think about that.
Author's response
You is right AJ.
hides away because I don't even know what is up with me anymore what the hell idek.