The little douchebag is 18? Huh, just more information I don't give a shit about
As for you Sadie, listen to my words of wisdom (me, wise XD)
Don't get worked up over some ignorant asshats, because you're going to have to live with them your whole life (there are even asshats who deserve a punch in the face around here; and Canadians are supposed to be super polite)
Ignore them, it'll be hard(hehehehe), but it helps
Also, emo isn't a bad thing
It's a shortened term for emotional
Not like "OMG!! I WOKE UP 2 MINUTES LATE -cries eyes out-"
It just shows that "emos" are stronger, that they live with enough shit going on that puts them in that emotional state and keep carrying on
Now what's better, being "emo" or some barbie doll prep?