Review for Auditions


(#) CarcinoGeneticist 2013-06-12

Okay, I'm here. I just really need to get rid of this character right now. Can you take him for me? I don't really care what you do with him, but I've been looking for an audition so I can get rid of him.

Name: Elvis Smythe

Age: 20

Appearance: Elvis is a redhead, with an abundance of freckles. He has blue eyes, and he seems happy, either with himself or with the universe. Good posture. About 6'1". Relatively athletic build.

Personality: Elvis has the unfortunate luck of being a complete and utter psycho. Elvin enjoys hunting out weaknesses in others, and then manipulating people with whatever he finds. He is also cruel to others, claiming his opinions as fact while telling lies. Other than that, Elvis is extremely needy around people that he depends on.

If you are somebody Elvis needs, he will want to know where you are and where you are going every second, or else you might leave him and he doesn't want that to happen. He thinks that if he can get somebody to stick around long enough, with either emotional abuse or with his neediness, then somebody will fall in love with him. And then he won't be so lonely.

Talents: Elvis is extremely hardworking, and is a good cook. He is very good at reading and logic puzzles. Good at sports like Rugby that let him blow off steam.

Flaws: His personality. Also carries a constant fear that somebody will figure out his intense dislike for abandonment. The abandonment issues stem from his parent's divorce when he was about ten, after he figured out that he was the result of an affair his mother had. Often affectionately refers to himself as 'The Bastard', but he hates that word.

Parts: Anything! Enemy! Friend! Whatever!