Review for The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

(#) patrickdance4me 2006-11-22

thats all i got to say.
and honestly, why is it bad grammer? ain't is in the fucking dictionary :[
but my english teacher still complains every single time i use it.
i hate english.
i swear my teacher has horns.

Author's response

There´s a lot in the dictionary. I guess you wouldn´t necessarily use the f-word in a school text and that´s in the dictionary too. Thing is, there´s a real life English and then there´s the stuff they want you to use at school. It´s a joke really, considering that school should prepare you for real life. But that´s human logic for you. Sheena just plays by the rules (she ain´t punk... or she isn´t) and she´s bitchy because of Andy. Having horns is a requirement if you wanna become a teacher. You just can´t see mine (or Sheena´s) because we have the devil´s hair. ;) Love your review! :)