Review for The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

The Bass Files: Parallel Universe

(#) pixied_secrets 2006-11-22

i've never done this before, and since the ending of Bass Files is near, i suppose i should go ahead with it.

i'm going to review your reviews and authors responces. gah, too much time on my hands.

1.) you should fear the infection of the dooj. we have the scientists in the lab trying to formulate an vacsine, but because we are working on such a small budget, the scientists consist of my co-worker, Marcia (um, like, she totally took, like, some computer course, but like, she totally forgot it) and my neighbors dog, Choncho. but they're working pro bono.

2.)after reading about how you imagine patrick singing "Ain´t aint a word, it´s... bad gramm-ar", i hope you become a teacher. i hope you use that some time when you are a teacher. that's righteous.

3.)i'm too blah to continue this. mark that in the calendar. I’m not finishing my itemized list.

hey, when are you updating Channel Hopping?

Author's response

They should give us the option to rate reviews too. This would definitely earn you an "original". And then I´d ask to have an extra option for "strange". Interesting about the DoJ lab. Patrick´s working pro boner too... Righteous and inappropriately sarcastic - I´m the teacher in "Another brick in the wall". Alright, you get an F for unfinished project, dude. Update Channel Hopping? Hm, obviously I forgot to hit the "finished - yes" button... Nah, I´ll be updating soon. I know I broke my alternating posting routine (Files, CH, Files, CH, Files,...) but that´s because the end of Sheena is near. And the next CH chapter is a bit of a drag to write. But it´s gonna happen.