Name: Carley Montez
Age (the girls are in high school): 17
Eyes- a nice, dark brown, wide eyes
Hair- a curly black, but she likes straightening it
Skin- light brown in the winters, a kind of darker brown in the summer
Body- she's a bit curvy, but she wears stuff to cover that sometimes. She's 5'6 and she is 130 pounds.
House (you can describe it or find a pic):
Bedroom (same as the house thing):
It's a bit bigger than shown. What isn't shown is her huge closet space.
Car: A black Volkswagen Eo
Designer they wear most: (I don't know much about this) Gucci
Pet(s): A pug that she absolutely neglects so the pug is most fond of her little sister. The pug is a 8 months old and she's a female. Her name is Jade. They also have a female bulldog who is also fond of her sister more. It is 6 months old and it's name is Rose.
Signature charm: Charm? What?(Please explain further and I'll happily fill that out c:)
Favorite color: Crimson.
Boyfriend (his name and what he looks like again you can give me a picture or a description): Derrick
Eyes- green
Hair- brownish black, short, and he usually shaves his head.
Skin- a light tan on his, originally, white skin
Body- he's very fit. He's athletic. He is 6'0 and 150 pounds
Anything else: She has a Hispanic background. She is 100% Hispanic and is bilingual.
Can I audition her calmer sister?
Author's response
Of course you can audition the sister, and the charm is something that makes her stand out from other people, singing voice, athletic, acting, etc...