Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) MCR-99 2013-07-23

I guess I'll give it a shot.. I'll audition my alias.

Name: Sunnflower Jones.

Age: 16.

Eyes: Light brown.
Hair: Golden blonde.
Height: 5"1. A tiny little thing.
Weight: Hm... not skinny, not fat, kinda in the middle.

House: It's a modern studio apartment she shares with her 18 year old brother, Joey.

Bedroom: The walls are light blue, the bedspread is red, the carpet is cream. On her walls are pictures of acoustic-y type bands like Never Shout Never etc. Her wardrobe is oak. She has a window sill she sits on with two plump cushions.

Car: It's not a fancy-shmancy type of car, it's a pick-up truck kinda car coloured silver.

Designer they wear most: Band stuff. Bands like Never Shout Never, the non-hardcore stuff.

Pets: She has a black cat named Mittens who is a year old.

Signature Charm: Dunno. Good singing voice?

Fave colour: Hazel, because she adores honey.

Boyfriend: His name is Christofer, he is sixteen also. He has chocolate brown eyes and brown hair to match, kinda scene style hair. He is about two or three inches taller than Sunnflower, and has the same sorta build.

Anything else: Nah, not really.