Name: Jennifer Montez
Age (the girls are in high school): 15
Eyes- dark brown, wide eyes
Hair- a curly black hair that she leaves down
Skin- light brown in the winters, a kind of darker brown in the summer
Body- she's a bit curvy, but she wears baggier stuff to cover that sometimes. She's 5'3 and she is 120 pounds.
House (you can describe it or find a pic):
Bedroom (same as the house thing):
Car: She doesn't drive. To her sister's annoyance, she gets driven around by her.
Designer they wear most: She's the humble one of the two and doesn't like the extravagant life. She wears whatever is comfortable, like baggy t shirts, jeans, much to her sister's annoyance and embarrassment.
Pet(s): A pug, Jade and a bulldog, Rose.
Signature charm: She loves singing and she's very good at it, too.
Favorite color: Blue
Boyfriend (his name and what he looks like again you can give me a picture or a description):
Doesn't have one, but has a crush that is her sister's age and in her sister's grade, much to her sister's amusement(Jennifer denies it though)
His name is Mark
Eyes- a nice blue-green tone
Skin-pale white
Hair- blondish-reddish, a bit scruffy
Body- he's a bit skinny. He's 5'8, 145 pounds. He's not very athletic being that he's into other stuff, like music and film.
Anything else: She has a Hispanic background. She is 100% Hispanic and is bilingual.
Her personality contrasts the, kind of, stuck up personality of her older sister. She's humble, and nicer.
Charm of Carley: She's a great actress, which usually works in her favour when lying.