Review for AUDITIONS!!!!


(#) lolhai 2013-07-23

Name: Clarissa Monf
Age (the girls are in high school): 17
Appearance: Dark auburn hair, light green eyes, 5'5, thin but athletic
House (you can describe it or find a pic): Big, three story white house on 50 acres. Matching four stall barn, riding arena.
Bedroom (same as the house thing): Everything is blue. Large and comfortable. Kind sized bed.
Car: Baby blue Audi A4.
Designer they wear most: Gucci and Armani.
Pet(s): Bay Thoroughbred (horse) named Bailey, German Shepard named Chase.
Signature charm: Horse riding
Favorite color: Baby blue
Boyfriend (his name and what he looks like again you can give me a picture or a description): Johnathan. Black hair, blue eyes, light tan, muscular. Anything else: She shows her horse and she's actually pretty smart.