Review for Near Morning

Near Morning

(#) tdeeley 2013-08-27

I'm fucking amazed!
This story is absolutely incredible. The whole story line, the characters, the description, the dialogue, just everything, its astounding, I can think of any other way to describe it, but I feel something off about this Logan character, not quite sure what it is yet though. I cant wait for the next update, I'm literally bouncing in my seat.


Author's response

Logan is actually pretty normal. He's a Southern boy, they like to shower their women in compliments and be perfect gentlemen. He's based off of the actor Logan Marshall-Green. I fell absolutely in love with him in Prometheus and I thought his attitude and personality would be perfect for this story. I watched countless interviews to get his character down and I thought I did that pretty well. In order to make him less suspicious, I must polish him a little.

I'm ELATED that you enjoy the story! Stay tuned!