Review for The Bass Files

The Bass Files

(#) howshesews 2006-11-24

FABULOUS! ( i feel like a bald little gay man when i say that. which is probably why i say it all the time...eek.)

okay. i didn't fill up a word documne tiwht quotes or anything. but i did half-way fill up a word document with quotes...just because i'm lazier than you.

uno)"...Wentzian bluntness combined with Peteresque rudeness..." Loved this. i love, love, loved this. it just made me laugh because the pete in your story, is my favorite pete of all time. ALL. TIME. not even kidding. he's such a prick. i don't particularly love pricks or anything, but i like pete the prick.

dos)"What are you? Patrick´s pimp? It´s not gonna happen, Pete..." HAHAHA. i think patrick would do well with a pimp. actually. listen to loveline. his sex life seems to be a-okay. not that you wanted to know what. maybe you did. i don't know.

tres) "But maybe he was just doing lip gymnastics to warm up for the oral sex with his bass..." HAHAHA. more loveline things just to make little old me laugh. you really need to hear it. really. it's death-funny. (nothing. i repeat, nothing, is funny about death. so why did i say that? shrugs)

quatro) "What do I get for shutting up Peter Wentz?" Mal's Denali. Meg's umbrellas. Woof. (no, no. that's a lie.) Something grand, though. from me, and i don't know who else. mostly just me.

cinco)"And probably something gay too.." Excellent way to end the chapter. my humor does not compete with yours, my dear. you're eleven times funnier. and since 11 is my new-found favorite number (i'm trying to break myself of my hate for prime numbers), that's a lot of times funnier than me.

good greif. (OXYMORON!) i love this story. really. i hope you know how freaking (i just said freaking!) good this story is. it makes me...impressed. thank you for being talented, and writing a story that's different and unexpected. i'm proud to be a fellow member of the DoJ.

Author's response

Well, I WANT Woof. At least a pic of Woof? Please.
Thanks for the praise. However, this story has drained pretty much everything out of me that I once had. That sounds disgusting. So be it.
I´m glad you´re in the DoJ. Sorry that I´m just gonna give you a lame THANK YOU for this plonk-warming review. :)