Review for makin out

makin out

(#) CarcinoGeneticist 2013-09-12

For God's sake, guys. Even if her work is truly horrendous, which no offense dear it sort of is, she's not really harming anyone. So she's immature and can't phrase a sentence. As far as I know, she's not hurting anything except for basic spelling and grammar. She's probably just a kid with wifi and too much free time. Either she'll disappear in what, three months or she'll improve her spelling and turn into one of us. Basically, A WARNING TO ALL, DON'T TURN THIS INTO TIFFANYROSE. So help me I will get the banhammer.

Tavros for serious don't say anything I am trying to help you here. And it may be mean but that nickname fits you so well. Baby Tavvie girl! You are officially adorable now like fo realz.