Review for A Christmas Mission

A Christmas Mission

(#) iheartyou07 2006-11-24

OMFG. I was munching on some Reese Puff cereal and started to cough, I almost chocked! That was HILARIOUS. I honestly don't know how you come up with this.. this just proves what an amazing writer you are. The 'Pan has a theme song' thing killed me, and the whole Atlanta walking in on Archie's shower did even more. I can just imagine Atlanta sitting there, planning to kill each of them, one at a time. First Odie and Herry for planning the damn thing, then Malempous (sp?), and then anyone else who stood in her way, lol. Also love how she through him out the window! Ahh, too many good parts to name. Loved it, as always. You know you want to update soon:P