Review for Problems


(#) lefkaz 2014-12-02

You know, fairly often Rufus is depicted as an imaginary friend, a figment of Ron's imagination to cope whit his Loneliness and social isolation.
Butt (he, he... i said butt... ) >But you made my gears go to the office and work hard and i ponder...
What if Kim is the one with an imaginary friend?
Like The Jester to The Buffoon (see Identities By: Neoalfa >Great fic, at least until japan, then, well... ) Kim needs to channel her ugly feelings to keep being a nice girl, so, being a hero she creates a persona, but nice girls are not squizophreniaks, butt (i said it again!) but an imaginary friend is acceptable. So there! Ratigan is BORN!! (EVIL LAUGHTER!!!)
And if you put in the blender the megalomaniac Kim idea from Partners in Crime (By Weirdbard id: ) then you have a just add water psychopathic!Kim ready to save the world... or slaughter a kindergarten...
After all, she is perfect, and she can do "anything!"

Your fic is good, butt it goes nowhere, and don't look at me like that, is an one-shot, so it's TRUE!

So, how about this: You go and enslave yourself at the keyboard and take this mix-mash-up of ideas and take it to the Legends of the Epic. And me? I should bask in the glory of my due credit (i'm not greedy, just a little of 'Epic Credit' is great and if you add 'Legendary Credit' then is like you gave me a 99mill check)
So give me credit, but not the 'credit card bill' type...
I say goodbye quoting The Joker: S.O.L. (Slaughter Out Loud)
Ok, "that" was a lame pun.