It's been aaaaages since I've even thought about this website, but I suppose I've still got your account on my email notification list because this cry for contact popped up and I was too intrigued to skip.
Dunno if you remember me anymore, Penina, if anyone on this site does, it would be you, I mean, you're basically the social glue of Ficwad... At least that's how I remember it. Oh well! Glad to know you're moving up and on in the world. Good luck with the acting thing, I have no doubt you'll make it work.
Since leaving this site, I've had a lot going on. Did a bit of traveling, made some dreams come true, got married to a wonderful disaster of a man, and I'm about to move to a tiny little city in the arctic circle. Not writing anymore, though I wish I was. Maybe it's better this way. Save the world some horrid literature, you know?
Interested to see who else pops up and comments, I'm going to stay posted.
- Poppana
Author's response
I'll always remember you! You had the BEST writing ever! I fell in love with Gia as a character. Who knows? Maybe the novelisation of your fics could turn into movies and I could star in them? Haha. That'd work out perfectly! ;) CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wow! I'm so incredibly happy for you! :D How did you meet this wonderful disaster? Tell me your tricks of the trade so I can bag me a man! Haha. What kind of writing would you like to be doing? Just write whatever you feel comfortable with. It's so much fun to just write for yourself rather than for others. I used to do that too much. I would always audition people and write with a half arsed effort, so if you want to write, let yourself. It's so much fun and it's freeing! :D Still can't get over the fact that you're MARRIED! You guys grow up so fast! Haha. :D