Review for Class of the Titans Minis!

Class of the Titans Minis!

(#) lalalene 2006-12-06

yes - helen of troy was the ruler of troy - she was the reason for the trojan war (the war where odysseus thought up the great idea to hide inside a giant horse ) - anyways helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda(another god- by the way Zeus had 73 children, only 4 of them with his Wife Hera.) Any ways lots of guys wanted Helen. oh and Theseus ( theresa's ansector - did you know he was the king of athens- married Helen with out her father or brothers consent- then when he was gone to do something or other there brother had came and took her back from Theseus.and she had a daughter named Hermione. Hehe. - yes i hope i answer all your question about helen of troy.