Review for Mr. Giggles

Mr. Giggles

(#) SafeFromRobotsDAMN 2007-01-06

HA HA! Fantastic!! tis fun chucking animals in with the fan fiction in the crazy caldron, no? Well, you did promise it :)
I agree though, all hamsters do is sleep...and poo! I had a hamster when i was eight, he was called Harry Ronan Ross (I was obsessed with Boyzone (that crappy boygroup shudders) and i had a wee crush on Ronan (one of the singers) i named my hamster after him...weird? cough let's NEVER speak of this again...:)
If i had a hamster now, it would be called (not that your interested bu' hey) Felicity Gerard snuggles bitterness Ross III. :) [even though there wasn't a Felicity Gerard snuggles bitterness Ross II or I] :)