Review for Please Remember

Please Remember

(#) VivaLaKitty 2007-01-09

Let's start off with "YOU HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!1!!!1o1o1n1!!
1e!(eleventy one!)"
Hokai. Now that I've made a total ass out of myself, I must say, yours were the first Auron-Rikku story I read (even before joining the site) and I admire your skill to keep Auron's character in place. Everyone seems to make him too much of a hardass or too much of a soft jelly belly. You seem to hit the Auron Character perfectly. I think you could put a little bit more of Rikku's bounce back into her character (I'm sorry if you take offence to that. I just know you can do it, if you think about her character)but aside from that 10 thumbs up and -vilg- NAMAYCA CUSA CAQIYM DAHCEUH!

~The Kat