Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X > Please Remember

Saviour In Solace

by telcontarian 1 review

Rikku is questioning her role as a guardian. She finds answers in the most unlikliest source imaginable: Auron. As the pair become close, will they be able to ignore the sparks between them?

Category: Final Fantasy X - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Auron, Rikku - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2006-10-19 - Updated: 2006-10-19 - 1434 words

Please Remember

By Tari

Thank you to everyone who reviewed in my last chapter - I really appreciate all your comments!

Gining:Thank you for your lovely comment - I am really glad that you like this story - it makes me feel happy to hear that. As for what you mentioned about the migrating fiends, I understand what you mean. I could not recall what fiends roamed about the Moonflow, but I needed something reasonably big and scary to frighten Rikku. No good being frightened by a dinky dingo. A chimera was all I could think of at that moment.

BlackRikku: Thanks! I really hope that you like this chapter.

Chibi-Sorrow:Hello again! Thanks for your comment! All will be explained - hopefully - in this chapter. Enjoy!

BaneBerry64:Thank you for taking the time to read this! Much appreciated! Here's the next chapter for you! At least it did not take as long to post.

Shirox:Thanks so much! I really hope you like this chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to my amazing, Brazilian twin, McThiri. Love you so much! You are such a lovely person and a lot of fun to be around. Thanks for everything. 3

Disclaimer: I still do not own Final Fantasy. No matter how many times I include it in my Christmas list!


Chapter Four

Casting a last, unfathomable look to the small group of travellers, Rikku hefted her pack onto her slim shoulders, stealing away into the still of the night. Wiping away the beginning of the onslaught of tears that she knew would eventually fall, the girl's numb mind wondered if she would ever see her friends alive again.

Rikku knew that her presence in her cousin's Pilgrimage would mean trouble for her fellow guardians. As the leader of the Al Bhed's daughter, she was fully aware of the growing threat of Yevon towards her people. She sniffed in the cool, night air and Rikku shivered, realising that she had left her blankets back at the campsite. She hesitated, casting sightless eyes back towards the glowing embers of the now defunct fire. She knew that to return now was to admit defeat.

Rikku knew that the Al Bhed were not bad people truly. Even though they did not believe in the same teachings that were taught by Yevon, the Al Bhed wanted nothing more than to see Sin destroyed once and for all. Summoners, however, were not the answer. History had proved that. No matter how many times a Summoner would sacrifice themselves for the sake of Spira, Sin would always reappear. Sure, the citizens had nine, perhaps ten years at the most to recuperate and try to rebuild what Sin had crushed in its wake. But what was a brief period of recreation worth if Sin were to return and mercilessly destroy all of their hard labour?

Yevon knew of the Summoners that the Al Bhed had kidnapped in order to dissuade them from completing their Pilgrimage. It was only a matter of time before Yevon moved in for the kill. She screwed her eyes shut. Rikku knew that there was no hope for her people. The Al Bhed were still a scattered group - not nearly enough to withstand the manifestation of Yevon. Besides, in the endless stretch of sand that was Bikanel Island, where could the Al Bhed possibly seek refuge? Yevon, now populating nearly the whole of Spira, would never take them in willingly. They would be shown the gates before you could even blink.

Rikku was aware that Yuna could face being excommunicated if an Al Bhed were to be discovered to be her guardian. She knew that Wakka would be devastated if he were to discover her heritage. He had no love for the Al Bhed. Yevon had done a great job in manipulating the minds of its followers.

The girl sighed and as if to correspond with her thoughts, a heavy downpour of rain fell from the starry sky, plastering Rikku's flaxen hair to her forehead. Within minutes, she was drenched to the bone. Sincerely hoping that her cold was not too severe in the morning, she cast her emerald, swirled eyes upwards, recognising the first signs of the oncoming storm.

Her tears, mingled with the rainwater were virtually undistinguishable and if someone were to look closer, they would be unable to discern the misery so clearly evident upon her youthful face. Rikku knew that she ought to find shelter for the night in order to escape the brunt of the storm but deep down, she knew that if she stopped, a member of Yuna's party would be able to track her down or worse, Yevonite could find her and take her to Bevelle to be tortured for information. She knew that she could not return to guard Yuna after the brief but emotive letter that she had left for her cousin:


I am sorry that I can no longer be your guardian. Believe me, I did not want to leave despite my brief stay amongst your party, but if I remain in your company, the moment we enter Guadosalam we will all be in grave danger. I have no intention of hurting you, Yuna, but I know that this is the only way to really protect you. However, I am aware of the hostility that has been already shown to me by certain members of the group. No matter what happens, you will always be in my thoughts.

All my love,


The girl omitted a quiet cry in the solace, reverberating in the clearing that she had now stepped into. Very soon, she would cross the Moonflow and from there, travel to Luca where she would then board a ship to Bikanel Island. There was no way that she could remain a part of her cousin's Pilgrimage whilst Auron spent his time making a mockery of Rikku, maintaining the physical distance between the pair. Rikku wondered hesitantly if the coldness that Auron showed in her presence was anything to do with her heritage in the face that their friendship was limited. After all, Auron was a monk who was brought up by Yevon to despise the Al Bhed irrationally.

But still... Rikku was no threat to the man. Sure, she did tend to rile him sometimes, but all she really wanted was bit of company. When they had first met on the banks of the Moonflow, she believed that Auron was a reliable person. A little silent and judgmental, perhaps, but she never thought for once that he could possibly say anything that could reduce someone to a state of nothingness... She really was too trusting for her own good. She was told that she wore her heart on her sleeve to be broken easily.

A growl brought Rikku to her senses and she momentarily froze. Facing her was the biggest fire flan that she had ever came across in her life and she knew without doubt that her claw was useless in piercing its rubbery skin. Her grenades had been reduced to nothing alongside the machina that she had fought with...

Instinctively, Rikku pulled the smooth leather over her knuckles, confidence and security flowing through her limbs as the slight weight settled comfortably on her skin. The girl resumed a fighting stance, preparing herself physically and mentally as the fiend launched its first attack.

Even so, the powerful burst of fire was unexpected. Searing pain rolled through her body in great rivulets, the flames licking at her limbs as she crumpled to the ground, her torso on fire. Gasping for breath, Rikku curled into herself, twitching in agony.

As her eyes closed of her own accord, the pain began to leave her gradually until she felt as if she were floating amongst the stars. So this was what dying was like. It wasn't so bad. True, it was a release from the eternal suffering from Spira, an escape from Sin... She wondered if anyone would miss her when she was gone.

Even in her hazy dreams, Rikku could have sworn that she heard a voice calling her name. It sounded soothing, almost... Pleading. And even as she could have sworn that arms had wrapped themselves around her broken body, blackness fell over her eyes and she was lost to oblivion.

Wow. I am quite impressed by how long it actually took me to write and post this chapter. I hope you guys like it! So I have made Rikku and her family know that they are going to be assaulted by Yevon. Just to tie in with my plot.


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