Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X > Please Remember

Broken Promises

by telcontarian 0 reviews

Rikku is questioning her role as a guardian. She finds answers in the most unlikliest source imaginable: Auron. As the pair become close, will they be able to ignore the sparks between them?

Category: Final Fantasy X - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Auron, Rikku - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2006-10-19 - Updated: 2006-10-19 - 1569 words

Please Remember

By Tari

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who has reviewed my story so far: Gryff, Jaymo, Gining, Ruki, Chibi-Sorrow and Gothic Godess. You guys are really great. I hope you like this chapter!

Just a quick reminder: the chapters will be narrated by either Auron or Rikku in the third person point of view. This chapter is narrated by the one and only Auron.

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get an update out. I'm a senior now and school is really demanding. Not to mention that I have college on Tuesday afternoons!

Rikku is 16 in this story.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Final Fantasy or any of its associated characters. I do not own any common sense or sanity either come to think of it... -eye twitches-


Chapter Three

Auron sank slowly to the marshy ground, growling in frustration as he took a deep, soothing swig from his sake jug at his hip, his infamous crimson cloak lying, for the moment, abandoned nearby in a puddle of mud. His black armour clinked gently as he raised a distracted hand and ran it through his prematurely greying hair, a quiet sigh of frustration escaping his lips.

The guardian was repulsed by his actions and he almost laughed at the irony had not the situation been so serious. What would his superiors say if they could see him now? Arrogant, self-centred Auron guilt-ridden over harsh words spoken to a teenage, Al-Bhed girl? He was no fool to understand that he had broken Rikku's heart. He squeezed his eyes shut as the girl's face appeared unbidden before his eyes, her own emerald tear-filled ones shining with betrayal and with such an infinite sadness in their hollow depths as her lips quivered, trying and failing miserably to conceal her emotions.

Auron pounded his fist into the boulder behind him, ignoring the spasm of pain that ricocheted through his hand. He was a man after all: a man that was not entirely devoid of sight to know that Rikku was no longer a child. She was more beautiful than he cared to imagine and although he was flattered by the attention that he was receiving, the fact remained that he was nineteen years her senior and furthermore, he was unsent.

The truth was: Auron was somewhat frightened by the vast amount of control that Rikku seemed to hold over him. Just a single, feathery touch would leave the guardian reeling in her wake, desiring more... Even in Zanarkand, watching over Tidus in his youth, Auron had been expertly careful in avoiding relationships with women who seen him merely as an object of lust and desire. Verily, there had been a select few who had claimed to have truly loved him - but Auron was unable to return that love. Never before had he felt remorse until Rikku had tried to get close to him.

He stood up suddenly and shading his eyes from the intense sunlight searing into them, Auron decided that he should check on Yuna's well-being. Retrieving his cloak, the guardian slung it across his broad shoulders and swiftly crossed to where his young charge lay contentedly under the huge tree, flanked by her guardians. He noticed with a slim smile that Tidus, with each passing night, inched ever closer to his Summoner. As he looked down upon the sleeping girl, Auron would never have believed that this was the same child that he had watched over as she played in the fields, picking pretty flowers to take home to her parents. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined Yuna to be the same person that she was today - a full-fledged Summoner, on her quest to defeat Sin. Needless to say that Auron was proud of what Yuna had accomplished so far - and undoubtedly, her father, High Summoner Braska, would be even more so. Yuna's face, serene in sleep, carried none of the hardships that rendered her youthful face aged in reality. Auron sincerely hoped that this Pilgrimage would not be another fruitless one like Yuna's father's had been - he doubted that his precariously mended heart could cope with another pointless death.

A rustle overhead drew the brooding man from his thoughts and he raised his piercing hazel eye skywards to see Rikku huddled amidst the concealing branches of the tree, her eyes bright with the tears that were silently and steadily pouring down the girl's cheeks, leaving behind a trail of shimmering vapour. Sensing Auron's gaze upon her, Rikku sniffled and turned her face away subtly to hide her pain. Auron's heart seized in his chest and he had to turn his head away, his pride wounded at having hurt Rikku so emotionally, unable to bear the knowledge that he had, in fact, caused it. He sighed, raking a hand through his hair.

The journey to Guadosalam was for the most part, silent. Rikku, Auron noticed, walked a little ahead of the group, pretending to scout ahead when in fact, she was trying to conceal her emotions. Auron, as usual, walked at the rear beside the Ronso warrior, Kimahri, his face hidden by his cowl so as to hide his train of thoughts as they passed over his face. He knew that he had really put his foot in it this time. Usually, when it came to letting women down, Auron was able to say the harshest things known to man and still leave showing no remorse, leaving the women broken. But now, all of that had changed. With a few short sentences, the guardian had broken his heart and the girl's. Now he knew how all of the women he had let down in the past must have felt.

He knew that Rikku's intentions were pure and even though he had only known her in a short time, his affections towards the Al-Bhed were gradually growing. She had proved herself worthy of his trust when she had owned up to being responsible for her actions involving Yuna and the machina earlier on the shores of the Moonflow and he respected the young girl for her genuine honesty, a trait which was quite rare amongst the citizens of Spira today... He wished above all, that he could somehow take back what he had said.

A shrill scream alerted Auron from his thoughts and his body tensed as realisation dawned on him. Rikku was in trouble. Instinctively, his arm shot out of his coat and he rushed forward with Wakka, Kimahri and Tidus, ready to destroy whatever it was that had dared to set its bloodthirsty eyes upon the girl. As the trio rounded the corner, the guardian beheld Rikku swiftly retreating into the trunk of a nearby tree as a chimera towered over her, ready to strike.

Fury that Auron had never experienced before took over his body and an instinct to protect Rikku at all costs filled his mind. Without warning, he ran towards the beast with a shout and with a mighty sweep of his blade, annihilated it in one hit, watching with a smirk as the chimera's body slumped to the ground, pyreflies shrouding its prostrate form. Adrenaline pumped furiously through his blood and he was panting. Where in the world had he found the strength to kill a chimera in a single hit? Auron turned his gaze toward Rikku who was being supported by Yuna, her timid form shaking to the core. The girl. He realised that he would do anything for her to protect her. Auron wondered idly if it was Yuna or Rikku he was protecting. Coolly, Rikku raised her eyes to where the guardian stood, still breathing heavily, and acknowledged her thanks with a brief nod of her head before drawing sharply away from her cousin and continuing to lead the group towards Guadosalam.


The sun had long set and the stars had been hovering in the sky for many hours, their stunning light unable to shine through the thick canopy of trees, when the group finally decided to bed down for the night. Subdued, Rikku pulled her pack and blanket as far away from the others as possible, and ignoring the confused gazes being cast at her, contented herself with rifling through the various belongings that she had brought with her, muttering slightly as she did so. Auron shook his head at the girl's antics.

Very soon, the darkness was so complete that Auron was having great difficulty in seeing mere inches in front of him. Even though there was nothing much to see he thought with a snort. He lay down on the cold ground and pulled the blanket over his large form, entrusting Kimahri to wake him should he sense danger.

Auron felt as if his eyes had closed for the briefest of minutes when he felt Yuna shaking him awake, her bi-coloured eyes fearful and streaming with tears.

"What is it?" enquired Auron, sitting up and reaching for his sword.

"It's Rikku," Yuna murmured hysterically, pressing a wad of paper into her guardian's hand. "She is gone!"


I am really sorry that it has taken me so long to get this chapter up again. I realise that the ending is quite abrupt also, but I figured that you would rather read something than wait for me to get a grip on my writer's block!
Thanks for reading!


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