Review for Canine Cupid

Canine Cupid

(#) whatkatydid 2007-01-11

Getting sick of not being able to rate! So you get an extended ( for me anyway ) review:

1./Andy had gotten into weight training and Pete either acted as his personal trainer, spent hours online to leave cryptic comments on about 20 websites (the result of mixing individual lines of several poems by contemporary writers together) or got on the nerves of Kayne West, Travis Gym Class Hero or Jay-Z.
/ do you just pull these lines out your ass ( in a good way??) they're amazing.

2./Patrick chuckled./ I was prepared to rate it as hot for that right there.....

3./"One of my sister's friends trains dogs. I don't think she's a professional but Valerie said that she's really good at it. I could get her number if you want," Andy suggested. / You just made a new best friend, but she's mine. Know Dat.

4./Caroline Neverwinkle/ sorry, what?

5. On the phone it was really hard to tell he had a stunning fro. Are you sure, cos I think it would interfere with the signal....

6./Joe really needed help in the dog department./ You know, i loved this line. I don't know why, I felt it should have had the words - "and Dax too" after it....

Another amazing chapter my wife.


Author's response

Yay, extended reviews! (They are cooler than rating points anyways because they're self-made.)
All day long you think about my ass, I know. Manly Patrick is very hot. I just have never come across him.
Not all of us can't have last names like a Simpson's character. Blame Stu.
Ha ha. Good point about the fro and the signal.
Thanks for taking the time and kissing my ass. :) You know I like it.