Review for Twins


(#) story_master 2007-02-02

Hey there!
I just finished reading your story so far and I am hooked! You so have to update! and SOON! I wonder if Theresa's vision from the beginning will come true? Hmmm. That'll bug me now. This story is definitely going into my favourites. I read your note after chapter 7 and YOU CAN'T QUIT! Your stories are awsome! I what you mean about the reviews and stuff but don't let it get you down. Write for the love of writing and if you do withdraw from writing I will have to hunt you down and force you to keep writing! lol. but seriously too many really good authors are leaving! don't be one of them. Well, anyways... keep up the amazing work with your stories. And update soon. I want to know what happens next! lol. Keep up the awsome work!