Another two excellent chapters. Harry's civility towards the Malfoys is, to me, still a bit odd, and he seems to be far more mature than I am.
The Malfoys attitude toward him is equally strange, but as aristocrats, they would be used to 'making nice' with people they don't really care for.
Harry's conversation with Lucius made me look twice. Your reasoning for it, was compelling. Lucius stands a better chance of survival if he disassociates himself from the Death Eaters, If the rest of them do the same, Voldy will HAVE to seek out new idiots. Still, the Dark Mark is a compelling signal. Arthur, and especially Ron took Harry's apparent defection rather well. Hermione also seemed comfortable with it and the Malfoys seem comfortable with her.
Harry's acceptance of the now dispossessed Winky was sweet and noble. (is Dobby going to be jealous?)
As before, I look forward to the next page of 'To Rewrite History. Alorkin