Review for Falter


(#) GwenMerlon 2007-02-23

Soooo... I don't know about you, but this Gwen character certainly seems sketchy. I'm not sure if we should trust her. lol. She's a bad influence on poor Peyton. (Yay! I'm in a story! Totally new for me!)

Anyway, as usual, I found that your chapter flowed together quite nicely. I wouldn't jump ahead and just call it a filler because I felt like I learned so much. And I was actually a little afraid of Oliver there for a moment. Seriously. When I read that Pey's mother had called him while she was in the bathroom, I'm sure my eyes got so wide... I was all like, 'oh no!' (ok, you can tell it's like after 1 in the morning and that I only got 3 hours of sleep last night... My review might not be very readable... or understandable. Sorry!)

Wait, who is Ava Lemmings now? lol. That poor girl better keep her bad luck AWAY from Peyton and Oliver, that's all I'm going to say. I loved how you worded the article, too! I'm definately all smiles at this point in my life. lol

And you already know I'm totally in love with your story, I don't think I can stress that enough!

So... What is going to need to happen for you to update again?

Author's response

LOL, I love how you leave long reviews, it makes me feel like I did something right! haha, and that Gwen character is definetly sketchy, I'm thinking thats not the first time she will worm her way into this story. And poor Ava, her cloud seems to follow anyone she comes into contact with, its quite sad LOL.

And your review was definetly readable (I really need to find a better word than definetly and serious haha). I have a question for you Ms. Gwen, what is going to need to happen for you to update again? HMMM