Review for The Suicidal Immortal 2

The Suicidal Immortal 2

(#) Ithilwen 2007-02-24

The women who work in V's Secret identify two kinds of men: 1. icky creeps, to be avoided, and 2. men who are obviously there to get a gift for a wife or girlfriend and are therefore uncomfortable and deserving of pity, compassion and prompt service because they're probably worth a good commission.

Does Larry brag about girls' assets in broken Spanish? Heeehehehehee! I can just picture Derek saying, "What you just said really means..."

I think he had a business "suit," though he may have had a suite back at the hotel as well.

I think you mean his "books and possessions."

Author's response

Thanks for reminding me; I forgot all about a part I wanted to put in the lingerie store so I went back and added it. Feel free to take a look.

Sadly since Larry is distracted by "other things" he doesn't know enough Spanish to even attempt to speak it, something that will come up later.

Thanks for pointing out the oversights on my part, I went back and fixed them.

Hope you enjoy the next chapter.