A harsh, gritty and pain-filled story. I've read many 'other world' stories where Harry(or someone else) has lost everyone he loved in the fight, but I think this is the first I've seen where he is turned aside by those who were his friends.
Harry's suicide(attmptt?) was well played. I'd imagine, given their attitudes in the first world, the Weasleys would try to claim Harry''s (unstated) fortune. Mebby he should have left it to the gobins.
It's interesting how he ended up in Godric's hollow, rather than in another Hogwarts, at the end of his fall.
Lily should not have felt the wards alert, as the home(apparently) belongs to the Potters, and htough she is marrieed tto James, she is not of the blood. On top of that, I believe you indicated the cottage has been empty since 'that day'.
Harry's method of financing his exploits, is unusual at best. I've only seen something like it in one 'Azkaban' fic.
Lucky Lucius' luck has just run out. you never did say just who they were tormenting when Harry happened along. As I tell my daughter, 'there's always someone bigger'. The mutual seduction between Narcissa and Harry would certainly drive the over-egoed bastard to vengeance. Too bad he tried it on the wrong guy. (See above quote.)
This Harrry is darkeeer, meaneer and more soldier-likee hthan the kid drawn by JKR. Unlike that one, this one I can easily see being able to defeat Voldy.
I oved tthe b-play btwen Odyessus and Snivillus...erm Severeus, But James was rather more childish than I would have forseen. Of course, given his character in OotP, I suppose it's not surprising he would act like he did.
Harrys response to Snape's claim of him being dark, is nicely done. The challenge is clear, and of courrse, Snape cannot shoot back.
With the capture of Pettigrew, and Dumbldore's attitudes concerning his incarceration, I wonder if he was instrumental in Black's arrest and imprisonment in the first place. A powerful and morally ambiguous wizard like him, would easiy be able to 'influence' Black into doing something stupid, or 'influence' Crouch into chucking him into Azkaban without trial.
Since Dumbles describes Fudge as pretty much a corrupt pol, I'd think he'd try to prevent Sirius Black from regaining his freedom.
So far, this is an excellent story. I have placed it on my 'alerts' list and hope to read more very soon.
Author's response
Thank you for what is likely my longest review to date, you bring up some good points. As for Lily and the wards, blood, in and of itself, is not going to be such a driving force in this story. James and Lily are married, they were both keyed to the alarm wards on GH hence they were both alerted when they were breached. Your opinion of Harry as being more soldier-like is spot on. At the risk of revealing a bit of information too soon, that is a key factor in the story. Harry was a soldier fighting a war, more akin to a special ops than a simple grunt. His actions can not be judged by the more simplistic, peace-time rules of light and dark. He fought a war and won, then we was subjected to the guilt of surviving. Hermione, Ron, and the others weren't forced to sacrifice those peices of themselves, literally and figuratively, that would allow them to understand that. Thus they blame Harry for doing what had to be done to spare them having to. As for Albus, any attempt to paint him as anything but completely light runs into the block of Fawkes. If DD is dark then why does Fawkes remain? Dumbledore is completely light, but that does not make him completely right, as we shall see. He has his own perspectives, beliefs and the tunnel vision that they shackle us all with. Thanks again. BJH