Review for Moving In, Moving Up, Moving On

Moving In, Moving Up, Moving On

(#) pixied_secrets 2007-03-03

oh no. i think i just found a new favo(u)rite!!

let me say that with the first chapter, i was trying to guess what could have possibly happened and then i realized my brain isn't nearly as fantastical as yours.

you said you weren't sure how good you are at humor. let me assure you right now you are fantabulous, and i laughed out loud at /Crystal, pushed it off with her own fork due to it's distractive nature.

"Sweety, don't be redic!" /(i really do say that. a lot. but i copied it from sarah, so i can't take full credit. but just to note, i really say that. i love you katy.)/she said with a smile.

What ensued, was a fiery debate. Pasta was dangled from utensils, bad structured sentences were, like, totally said, eyeballs were widened. /

patrick recruited for publicity. i think that's great.

i love patrick and petra's interaction at the end of the second chapter. i love that it's awkward for them because it creates humor.

all in all, you hit a home run with this one. i'm in love.

oh, and this is the first story (besides "Saving the world") that i actually cameo in. how bad-a is that?

at the risk of sounding incredibly repetitive, i love you.

Author's response

I missed these reviews, but not half as much as I miss you and your ways. I mean that. :( (hearts)