You know, you really write terrific dialogue (I think that's how you spell it, but maybe not... I DID fail spelling in fourth grade)... I loved Petey and the A-s-s/ Molly's 'you know I can spell too'. Those kids are amazing. I hope we get to see more of them. Anyway, I had to go ahead and review even though you have another chapter up (Yay!!!- had to make up for last time). It was truly 'exciting'. :)
Anyway, I think I need to create a 'hate Meg' fanclub... oh wait, that's totally something a teenie would do... hmmm, maybe I should keep it a secret? lol.
Chapter 6 onward!!!
Author's response
lmao you make me smile mostly because i'm IMing you right now.
a 'hate Meg' fanclub sounds fantastic - i'd join!