Review for She Will Be Loved.

She Will Be Loved.

(#) FallOutGrl 2007-03-14

Quote: but then, realizing it was gonna melt she started to cry again. Omg you have me perfectly. Thats totally it!!! Lol, and yes unfortunatley Brendon is a bit of a moron. LOL. But anyway description: I'm 5'7. I've got short hair in the back and long bangs. I have it died RED. Hence the nickname. I have eyes that are dark brown but shine honey gold in the sunlight. I dress in mostly black and sometimes bright colors. I never wear pastels. I am not a label, i am many. Emo, rocker, goth, loser, loner. Meh. Anything. I am a complete hopeless romantic.

Hope this helps! and please update soon. It's a really good story and song!!!!

Author's response

i love it.