Review for Down the road, not across the street

Down the road, not across the street

(#) meeniemoe 2007-03-25

Aww, thanks hon! I was being honest =) (in response to your response to my last comment from your last, if you got that...i seriously pat you on the back...)
And btw, that song was excellent for setting the mood. I seriously had nothing better to do, so I came here looking for stories to read, when I found that your story was updated!! I went to youtube and looked up the lyrics and everything...but I accidentally did it before you indicated when to play it at 1:08. It still worked out really well though. (Constructive criticism: in addition to that great song alongisde your writing, you should make your writing a bit more fluffier with a little bit more of how much torture ryan was feeling, i.e. similies and metaphors would come into play here)
but it was still FRIGGING AWESOME. :D With that said, I think i'll stop commenting now because this is probably the longest one i've ever left...yeah. xD
xoxo nat

Author's response

yay! good to hear the song was effective. I'll keep your constructive criticism in mind for the following chaps. =]