Review for Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

(#) MMMramen 2007-04-16

Aaaannnd I was right to give you that EXCITING rating. I really like how protective Pete is of Molly, considering she hated him in the beginning. And even though I hate Rick, I'm really impressed with how you portray him perfectly. He is the classic abuser. With all that said, where do you get off leaving me hanging with an ending like that. I mean, who do you think you are? Me? I demand closure and a delicious appearance by Patrick AKA The Biscuit. Or just an update. Remember the days where I would basically give all my points to you? Those were some good times. Now I have all these points and no one to give them to.

Author's response

hey Kyle remember when I had free time? sigh I miss those days. lol
glad you liked it. The CUPCAKE was in this one...just not a lot. lol