Review for Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?

(#) duckapple 2007-04-29

Seriously, you have no idea how upset I was yesterday when I got the voicemail from Evie about the site being down and then went to my email to see that you'd updated. Ergh. I wanted to catch you online to have you email to me before I had to go to work, but alas you were not on. Anyway, so I had a super shitty Prom season night at IHOP. Kids these days, bitchy from the moment they sit and they don't know how to tip. Again, ERGH! Moving on. This was positively amazing. I can't you that word enough to describe you or this story. There was more I was going to say, but I forgot. So, I love you lots and lots. And...Yeah...that's all I've got.