Review for Forever Feels Like Home

Forever Feels Like Home

(#) ssketchator 2007-05-09

So me reading this chapter went something like this:

Heartbreak over her memory.
Heartbreak over Patrick leaving during her vomit-fest.*
Joy that Patrick was getting Sprite and not assuming the worst.
Laughter at the conversation with Crystal.
More heartbreak over their conversation.
Raucous laughter over the conversation with Katy... scrumptious biscuit. Ha!
Mild shock at Patrick answering her phone, directly followed by me shouting "OOOOH NO!" over and over when reading that JB had called.
Finally, my incessant proclamations of Pete's "bitchdom" being interrupted by the car accident. Literally, I was in the middle of the word "stupid" when I read that, and I proceeded to shout something like "WHAA" very loudly.

In summation, I love this chapter. Update soon.

*What's with all the puke? Baby in the oven, perhaps?

Author's response

Wow. I love this review. If everyone did this in their reviews it would be phenomenal. It's great to know exactly how you felt during the entire read. It made me chuckle.
I will update soon...especially since the Twins aren't doing the greatest at the moment. ;)