Review for A Neverending Dream

A Neverending Dream

(#) jade_kwl_name_eva 2007-05-24

5 days and then you update? YAY!!!!!! Though in 5 days time, mid year exams start for me!! Nooooo!!! You are going to high school now? What grade do you start high school in Canada, here in South Africa you start high school in grade 8, which is the grade I'm in now. Do you guys follow the same system as america? cause then I would understand. Anways, can't wait for you to update though you would only hear from me until the weekend. teehee, have fun on your field trip! You are so lucky, I can't go on those any more, reason bieng there are 250 of us grade 8s. Ok, i'll stop talking now.

Author's response

In Canada, high school starts at gr 9. Thank you for reviewing, and I still gotta get ready for the school trip today starts dancing. And I am excited!!!!!! WOOT! WOOT!