Review for hybrid theory

hybrid theory

(#) Trinda 2007-05-26

Ha, I just took like an hour and read the rest of your story. It was FANTASTIC. I stumbled across an old link on my computer and it took me to this, and I'm glad it did. I can't believe you finished it! It was sooo long but then again they did go on a lot of missions and have quite a few plots there. Overall you must be feeling quite an accomplishment for finishing your story, I know I would if I actually had even gotten to a second chapter of my old one xD
I think I remember saying this in an old review but your witting has improved so much since the beginning. It was like a growing process for you ;D

I dunno if I'm officially back or what, but I had to leave a review on one of the stories that I go way back with.

Author's response

you have me blushing crimson! thanks a lot. it's so fantastic you read it - I mean it IS long. thanks as well for your saying my writing has improved, this is something that means, if possible, even more to me.
I hope you're back / or back soon!