Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > She's A Rebel part 2

chapter 7

by blacknailsgd 0 reviews

girls have pov's this time around!

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror,Humor - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2008-06-16 - Updated: 2008-06-17 - 1855 words

Chapter 7

Cassie's pov

I know theres something about Joy I bet Benji doesn't know about it. I wanna find out what is? I don't know but Joel has been different sense we got the baby I love my little girl she makes me smile everytime I see her. But everytime I see her she reminds me of Joel. I love him so much I hope soon we become closer then that.

A months went by this what happen come read it better and better!

Normal pov

So any normal day Cassie is worried about Joel because she thinks he doing nasty with little miss trash slut. So one day Cassie was getting out Savannah she fell asleep on the ride home from the park which Levi and James were there too. Benji came along too he couldn't let Joy spend the day all by her self. He's a good guy honest, he's great for Joy. They have the best kids ever. Benji ask Joy to marry him of coarse she said yes.

Cassie's pov

I was getting out Savannah she had a great day with Levi and James at the park. She had a blast Benji came along Joy she didn't need to pick up both boys he came along I didn't mind he went to check on them while we talked it was great Joy is in the happiest mood I ever saw her in. I'm happy for her and Benji. I was walking in the house with Savannah asleep on my shoulder I went in her room layed her down in her crib. I went in our room "Joel are you in here?" I said. Then I saw it Joel got up and Nicole sat up.

"Joel what the hell is going on here? JOEL?" She yelled across the room at him.
"This isn't what it looks like?" Joel said as I made my way to my kid's room. I just got Savannah and her bag left.

"Is this what do you Cassie because your a mess?" Joel said making my way out of door leaving his ass. I went to Benji's house, I just went in I didn't care to knock Benji was there with his boys.

"Cassie dear what brings you over here?" He asked as he came over to me making sure i was ok.
"Im fine where's Joy at?" I asked him.
"She went to store she should be back anytime now?" He said getting Savannah out of her carrier.
"How are my boys?" I asked him.
"There good they just fell asleep a few minutes before you got here." Benji said as Joy came in.
"Joy I can talk you in kitchen plz?" I asked her.
"We can but I need to see my boys first?" She said going over to look at them.
"Benjamin how did you get them to sleep?" Joy asked him.
"With luck my dear I love you Im happy your home!" Benji pulled her over to him.
"Benji we have a guest in our home?" Joy says while giving him kiss.
"O yea sorry Cassie sup?" Benji said letting her go and sit on the couch.
"Joel is cheating on me?" I said they both turned there head over to me.

"He's what?" Joy said with her mouth open.
"He loves you Cassie! Why would you think that?" Benji asked.
"He's over with Nicole right now fucking her go over there to see!" I say that tears coming down my face Joy just made room on the couch for me. She went to get the ice cream.
"Well im going to beat the shit out of that brother of mine. Cassie I'm sorry he done this to you, I know your better then he is." Benji said hugging me.

Then I saw Joy grab Savannah and gives me the ice cream.
"Does she need a nap Cassie?" Joy asked.
"Yes but I'll do it!" I said grabing for her.
"No Cassie I'll do it trust me I'll have her to sleep in no time sweetie you just eat Benji's favorite ice cream!" Joy said making Benji giving her the puppy face. I just pour out more tears.
"I didn't mean to get Benji's ice cream?" I told her.
"Thats why god made stores Cassie its all good girl everything in here is ours so don't worry about it!" Benji said leaving.

"Cassie you have a beautiful daughter!" Joy said as I watch Savannah's eyes close. I watched Joy put her in with her boys.

"Cassie what is going on?" Joy asked I shook my head.

Joy's pov

I didn't know this until she told me she's been having doubles about Joel. Cassie told me that she hasn't seen him until today. Which really makes me mad as hell I hope Benj gives him hell from me too. I wished Benji was here I wanted him to spend time with me, Cassie is its cool. Benji came back in over to me sat down between me and Cassie. I just looked him he looks upset?

"My sweet what is wrong?" I asked him.
"I went over there I saw what you Cassie he told me to tell you this: He wants nothing to do with you and your child and he wants your stuff the baby's stuff gone before Friday!" Benji told her. Cassie just busted into tears again.

SO after an hour she fell asleep crying eyes out. Benji was watching me take of our kids and Savannah.

"Baby you look great taking care me and babies?" Benji said pulling me over to him as I was holding Savannah.

"My child doesn't need to know bout your sex life." Cassie said getting Savannah away.

"Sorry Cassie!" Benji said winking at her he picked up James holding him.

I went to grab Levi, he smiled I as reach down to grab him.

"Levi you love your mommy don't you?" I asked him, he just giggle at me. He's a wonderful child to have.

"Levi babe mommy needs a nap today she hasn't had one in 5 hours I'm tired sweetie!" I told Levi he gave me the same look Benji gives me when he's awake.

I heard a knock on the door, me and Levi went to see who it was. Billy, Cayln, Deano, and Paul came in to see our babies. Cassie and Savannah went up stairs the back way she wouldn't half to the boys and them why she was sad. I can't blame her through her boyfriend cheated on her with Nicole Richie skank hore.

"Ummmmmmm Benji I'm going to step out for a few minutes? I'm going to leave Levi and James in your care ok?" I asked him.
"Ok baby be careful bye!" He said giving me a kiss.

I went right Joel's house to tell his ass off. He has no right to do this to her. I just went in I found him with Nicole Richie in his living room!

"Joel Fucking Madden what the hell is wrong with you? You going with this skank hore this besides the fact your an ass for leaving Cassie and wonderful baby girl Savannah May! Your just like your dad you know that true your not drunk but your ending result is to leave your girl and baby girl what kind of a father are you Joel?" I said as I was punched in the face.
"Don't say that I am not like my father I am nothing like him. So just fucking leave already but I do more then just punch just beat it!" Joel said pushing me out of his house.
"O yea make sure Cassie knows to get her shit out bye!" Joel said I just left then I saw Deano he came up to me.

"Joy whats wrong?" Deano said looking at me
"What happen to you?" Deano asked looking at face.
"Joel Fucking Madden thats what happen!" I said crying. Deano pulled me into a hug then took me back to my house.

Deano took her up to her room! Benjiwas following them.

"Babe whats wrong?" He asked then he saw me.
"OMG who done this too you?" He asked me again.
"Your brother I went over there to chew his ass out. But I had told him he was just like his dad then all of sudden he hit me!" I said looking at my self in the mirror.
"Babe lets get some ice on your cheek?" Benji said going down to the kitchen.
"Are the babies ok Benj?" I asked him.
"Yes babe is there something wrong?" He asked me.
"No I was making sure is all!" I said to him.
"Joy you shouldn't have went over there, if its any1 place its mine. I know you want to stand up for your best friend but to be honest babe this is between them! I don't want the mother of kids hurt?" Benji said which was damnit I hate it when he's right!
"Your right dear!" I said as I saw Cassie came in.
"Joy what happened?" She asked me.
"Joel hit me is all!" I said.
"Joy dear what I am going to do with you. I know you mean well but its between me and Joel I'm sorry for letting you 2 get it." Cassie said crying.
"Cassie dear its ok were here to help you! Even though Joy was looking out for you. But we will stay out of your business unless you want us in were sorry Cassie we didn't mean to upset you. If you want we will help you move in with us?" Benji said making I was ok?
"Cassie is Savannah still asleep?" Benji asked.
" Billy has her then Paul wanted to hold her!" Cassie said we all went down to see our kids.

Normal pov

Joy isn't happy cause Benji left to about Joel. Which Joy wasn't happy about it! Joy was having a down day she wasn't her self anyways! She was in bathroom she in hand a knife she decided to cut herself. Benji came home with Joel to see his nephews Joy or Cassie wasn't to happy to him though.

Cassie's pov

I saw Joy's wrist it looked like a knife had something to do with it. I can't tell her though she'll get emo on me. I can tell Benj though!

"Hey Benji?" I said to him.
"Hey Cassie what?" HE asked.
"Have you noticed anything about Joy?" I asked.
"No unless she's cutting again other then that no!" Benji said.
"What you know then why aren't you doing anything about it?" I said.
"Because unless she admits she has a problem she will never admit it?" Benji said looking at me!
"True Benji sorry I thought you didn't know! I understand that though I wish Joel could admit his problem so we could be together!" I said.
"Yea me too Cassie we love having you around, Joy I agree she isn't herself!" Benji said.

Will they make it in time for Joy or will they!

please reveiw!

love ya
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